Custom-Made Tools For Data-Driven Research Support

Custom-Made Tools For Data-Driven Research Support

Data tools for EU funding applications made by research supporters for research support and researchers


If you ever struggle to find the right calls for your research(ers), to get an overview of EU funded research, or to find relevant partners to complement a consortium, we will show you how data analysis and AI tools could help you in these tedious tasks.

We will present the comprehensive suite of web applications we have developed at SDU to help researchers and research managers to cut through EU research funding data and maximize the chances of success of EU applications. We already presented in the 2021 conference online and shared a demo of our tools that is accessible to anyone with an ORCID account with publications:

In this new presentation we will focus on the expansion of our tools beyond pre-award research support to foster research collaborations and project results’ exploitation. We will also present how we monitor and assess the impact of our tools on EU research funding performances at SDU and present the lessons we have learned from rolling out such tools within our organisation.

We would like to share our experience of developing digital data-driven tools by research supporters for research support and researchers. Our specificity come from the fact that we did not contract an IT or consulting company but instead grew competences and know-how internally. Out tools have expended greatly in the last year, and we also joined EU funded projects in which we will develop even further our skills and tools for the benefit of the R&I community. Having more experiences in deploying and using our web applications suite internally, we can also share our successes but also discuss the barriers we encountered while coupling digital tools in pre-award research support processes.

In our interactive presentation we will present our general approach, show to the audience how our online tools work and discuss the lessons we learned along the way while creating and promoting them.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand how digital and data-driven tools can help decision making in the context of research funding applications
  • Understand the impact of data-driven research support tools
  • Discuss the assets and barriers to the uptake of data-driven tools in research support processes

:point_right: Custom-Made Tools For Data-Driven Research Support poster on EARMA Conference Prague 2023 official website.